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start [2022/04/21 02:13] Phil ⚡start [2022/04/22 04:46] (current) Phil ⚡
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-====== ⚡ Sparkfile - Start ====== +====== ⚡ Sparkfile ====== 
-//🗨 Hey hi helloeveryone this is Phil.// \\+//🗨 Hey hi hello everyonethis is [[user:phil]].// \\
 You've probably found this wiki by mistake, but I'll explain.\\ You've probably found this wiki by mistake, but I'll explain.\\
 This is my personal notebook. Since grade-school I've kept different variations, from the basic spiral, [[http://vvify.link/wdyQ|single-page-folds]], [[https://fieldnotesbrand.com/|Field Notes]], [[https://www.notion.so/|Notion]], and various wikis. I've even used [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] before!  I've never been able to keep with note-taking long, losing interest after a few months. Life or work gets in the way, and sometimes I just find [[wp>adhd|something shiny.]]\\ This is my personal notebook. Since grade-school I've kept different variations, from the basic spiral, [[http://vvify.link/wdyQ|single-page-folds]], [[https://fieldnotesbrand.com/|Field Notes]], [[https://www.notion.so/|Notion]], and various wikis. I've even used [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] before!  I've never been able to keep with note-taking long, losing interest after a few months. Life or work gets in the way, and sometimes I just find [[wp>adhd|something shiny.]]\\
 \\ \\
-<todo> Finish Public Start Page </todo>\\+<todo #phil:2022-04-21> Finish Public Start Page </todo>\\
 \\ \\
 I stole the name 'Sparkfile' from [[https://lifehacker.com/defrag-your-brain-with-a-spark-file-5941997|an old LifeHacker article]],  back when I would use Google Reader to scan the web for new interests. Now I guess that's what [[https://vidvisionify.com/on/twitter|Twitter]] is for. I try the use a similar philosophy of jotting down thoughts I want to come back to, and some organization from [[https://bulletjournal.com/|Bullet Journal.]] Right now I'm trying a page for each calendar week, and then breaking those notes out into thier relevant project pages. I stole the name 'Sparkfile' from [[https://lifehacker.com/defrag-your-brain-with-a-spark-file-5941997|an old LifeHacker article]],  back when I would use Google Reader to scan the web for new interests. Now I guess that's what [[https://vidvisionify.com/on/twitter|Twitter]] is for. I try the use a similar philosophy of jotting down thoughts I want to come back to, and some organization from [[https://bulletjournal.com/|Bullet Journal.]] Right now I'm trying a page for each calendar week, and then breaking those notes out into thier relevant project pages.
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-[[http://vidvisionify.com/about|{{https://vidvisionify.com/is/elsewhere/images/Rymesona Full Art White BG.png|Art by Sara Goetter}}]]+[[2022:start|{{https://vidvisionify.com/is/elsewhere/images/Rymesona Full Art White BG.png|Art by Sara Goetter}}]]
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 Some pages will be fleshed out for the [[https://vidvisionify.com|blog]].// Some pages will be fleshed out for the [[https://vidvisionify.com|blog]].//
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