This is an old revision of the document!
- list some major mods/based on Fabric
- Split into headings? 🔨 Useful Mods, ✨ Aesthetic Mods, 🧩 Additional Mods
Skipping past any 'api' or 'libary' mods (I should add a dropdown or something for these)
🎤 PlasmoVoice
Even if you don't install the modpack and decide to build one yourself. It's highly reccomended you add PlasmoVoice.
👥 Community
- Chat Sounds - Plays a sound whenever a chat message is received.
- CopyShot - Copies screenshots to your clipboard
- Ears - Faithful fancy fashion features for fuzzy folk.}Skin Manipulator
- Essential -
- PronounMC - PronounDB info next to usernames.
- Simple RPC - Discord Rich Presence
- Symbol Chat -Adds a button for symbols to chat
- Twitch Chat Bridge - Interconnect with Twitch chat!
⏩ Performance-Related
- Bobby - Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance setting.
- Dashloader - Improves asset loading times about 6x by caching all of the game's content.
- Krypton - Optimizes the Minecraft networking stack and entity tracker.
- LazyDFU - Makes DataFixerUpper more lazy
- Not Enough Crashes - Improves crashes, allows returning to title screen, blaming causing mods, and more.
- Skip Transitions - Removes transitions when starting, changing resources, and more
- Sodium - Optimization mod which improves frame rates and reduces lag spikes.
Quality Of Life
- AdvancementInfo -
- Beenfo -
- BetterClouds -
- BoatHud -
- Borderless Mining -
- ClickThrough -
- Command GUI Buttons -
- CustomHud -
- EasierChests
- Grass Kiss
- I Know What I'm Doing
- ItemSorterMod
- KeyMap
- Litematica
- ModMenu
- One Click Crafting
- PingList
- Visible Barriers
- Watson
- Xaero's Minimap / World Map -
- WTHIT (What The Hell is This?) -
✨ Aesthetics
- Blur - Modifies the background behind GUIs to have a blur effect
- Cave Dust - Makes dust underground that scales with depth!
- Iris - Modern shaders intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs
- Raised - Raises the hotbar so the selector is not cut off!
- Resounding - Provides realistic audio physics using parallel wave tracing and an improved physics algorithm.